Month / October 2022

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  • The flowering of lotus flowers

    Anima Mundi is located within the Parco del Mincio, a protected nature reserve of great charm. The best way to visit it is to sail slowly on its waters with small boats, among reeds, rare water lilies and a multitude of rare species of birds. Undoubtedly the symbol par excellence of the reserve is the exotic Lotus Flower: originally from East Asia, China and Japan, it has been transplanted in…

  • Fiera delle Grazie

    It is an ancient fair, born to venerate the Madonna on the feast of her Assumption, which takes place inside the village, in the area surrounding the magnificent Sanctuary. On 11 August 1425 Francesco Gonzaga, Marquis of Mantua, declared the square before the Sanctuary a place of “free market of goods”. Since then every mid-August comes the Fiera delle Grazie, a union between sacred and profane. For the occasion a…

  • Festivaletteratura

    Conceived by eight private citizens of different professions, on a voluntary basis, with the sole purpose of “celebrating literature”, since 1997 the Festivaletteratura is one of the most important and expected national cultural events every year. Thanks to this event, many writers, journalists, directors, photographers, musicians, scientists give life to cultural meetings open to the public, addressing current issues and often creating enriching opportunities for debate with the public. The…

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